Investing Articles

Communicating Through Volatility

Communicating Through Volatility

In recent months, we’ve experienced some of the most impressive swings ever in the U.S. stock market. Naturally, this kind of rollercoaster ride causes participants concern. It’s more important than ever during times of volatility to remind them of the reasons to...

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What do I do in a Bear Market?

What do I do in a Bear Market?

Market crashes are alarming to say the least.  In the midst of sharp declines, investors might feel like they should do something to protect their investments.  When people start questioning their investment strategy, it’s important to remember that feeling nervous is...

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Response Matters

Response Matters

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.” — Lou Holtz, Hall of Fame football coach As the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, how we respond to it will determine how we beat it. Continued sacrifices range from everyone in the medical...

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The Coronavirus and Market Declines

The Coronavirus and Market Declines

The world is watching with concern the spread of the new coronavirus.  The uncertainty is being felt around the globe, and it is unsettling on a human level as well as from the perspective of how markets respond. It is a fundamental principle, in our investment...

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Three Money Principles to Thrive By

Three Money Principles to Thrive By

With an unpredictable future, infinite information, and intense competition, success in the markets has never been more difficult.  The hurdle for good decision making is high.  Three fundamental principles reinforce a wise approach to smarter decisions and better...

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Don’t Spend Too Much or Invest Too Conservatively

Don’t Spend Too Much or Invest Too Conservatively

One of the most common mistakes for retired investors is too not get enough long term performance from their investment portfolios. This, along with withdrawing too many dollars, can be detrimental for your retirement goals. Let's create a portfolio that can weather...

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The Stock Market Drops. Now What?

The Stock Market Drops. Now What?

Recently, the stock market has made some dramatic swings up and down.  For many of us, if the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a widely followed measure of stock-price performance of 30 of the largest U.S. companies, drops a thousand points, it sounds scary!  But at the...

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