Plan Sponsors Ask…

Plan Sponsors Ask…

Q: The ups and downs in the stock market have made some of our 401(k) plan participants very nervous, to the point that some have moved their entire accounts into money market funds. Is that a good strategy for retirement savings?  A: First, be aware that you cannot...
One for the Ages

One for the Ages

Consider the trade-offs before deciding what age to begin taking Social Security benefits As you get close to retirement, one of your biggest questions will likely be when to begin taking Social Security benefits. If you file at an age other than your full retirement...
Riding It Out

Riding It Out

Strategies to help survive the ups and downs of the market While visiting an amusement park this summer may not be possible for everyone, the stock market has provided a number of exhilarating rides to make up for it. Following are some tips for holding on. Keep a...