That’s the topic of an Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) annual survey and report, now in its eighth year. While the survey indicates a generally positive financial picture for current Boomer retirees, many are not confident with their preparedness. Fifty-eight percent of Baby Boomers have retirement savings in 2018, up from 54% in 2017. Of the Boomers who have retirement savings, 43% have $250,000 or more, up from 32% last year. Still, just 25% of Boomers think their money will last throughout retirement, and 28% said they are doing (or did) a good job with their financial preparation for retirement. As far as who is doing the best job of preparing for retirement, the survey shows it’s those who work with a financial professional; these have at least $100,000 saved compared to 48% of those without a financial professional. Read more from the IRI report, Boomer Expectations for Retirement 2018, IRonlineBoomers.